Building a Better Education for Texas Students

Dr. Raquel Sáenz Ortiz (Dr. S.O.) - Your Advocate for Quality Education

Support our movement now!

As an experienced educator and passionate advocate, Dr. Raquel Sáenz Ortiz is dedicated to improving the quality of education for Texas students. With a proven track record of leadership and a deep understanding of the challenges facing our education system, she is committed to bringing positive change that will benefit all students in our state.

Why us?

Driven by her passion for education and her commitment to creating a better education system for Texas students, Dr. Raquel Sáenz Ortiz brings a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to the table. With her extensive experience in the field and her dedication to student success, inclusive education, and critical thinking, she is the right choice to lead us towards a better education for Texas students. Join our campaign today and be part of the movement for change. Email us at